Fehu ᚠ And The Quest For Better Money

Fehu (money) shares a root with old words for sheep and cattle because livestock was used as money in Germanic societies before they adopted gold and silver. Today the question of what to use as money may be arising once again. With central banks around the world printing more and more “money,” it makes you wonder what will happen to its value. I find it interesting to consider Fehu as livestock, gold/silver, fiat currency, and now, cryptocurrency. Which would the old Germanic tribes have chosen? We know that they dropped livestock in favor of gold and silver, but would they have traded their precious metals for U.S. dollars? Or maybe Bitcoin? Considering they were such rabid gamblers, my guess would be… Dogecoin!

Wishing the best for you and your money, in whatever form it may be. And remember, Fehu is really about how you relate to money—and in a deeper sense, how you relate to the material and spiritual worlds.


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